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Kyle Rose

Kyle Rose is a dedicated Medicine Man specialising in holistic practices to facilitate deep restoration and realisation. Kyle harnesses the power of sacred sound instruments, bodywork techniques and shamanic tools, guiding individuals and groups towards grounded but expansive states of awareness.

With a consistent connection to nature and the elements Kyle has developed a deep connection Spirit and his intuition. Kyle has proffessionally studied Studied shamanism for more than three years, this aids him to skilfully assist others in forging meaningful connection with their internal guidance, weaving a tapestry of holistic well-being and shamanic knowledge to help others heal, grow and flourish.

I currently reside in Moigne's Court in Dorchester. This place is home to a loving and supportive community, a natural countryside environment, a place to share my purpose and a stable environment for my family to live. We also grow some of our own food in a community garden and hold events on this land. It's very special and I look forward to inviting you there one day.


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