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Support on your journey

Imagine having a trusted and proven guide who walks with you on your life journey, helping you grow in all areas—mind, body, and spirit. Through this guidance journey you get to focus on yourself in its entirety, understanding exactly where we can expand or contract to make our dream path clear to us. 

I’m here to support you not just with practical advice for finding purpose and aligning lifestyle, but also by helping you connect with your deeper spiritual/shamanic relationship with self. Through practices rooted in ancient cultures, we’ll work together to create spiritual discipline—a daily or weekly practice that grounds you, aligns you with your true purpose, helping you bring life and flow into your being.

Your subconscious directs you to your path of truth, healing and improvement. I will help you understand and decipher these messages and symbols that guide you forward through your life, but may not be recognised.


This could involve:

  • Daily Practices: Simple yet powerful rituals like grounding exercises, breathwork, meditation, or connecting with nature that keep you centered and focused.

  • Spiritual Guidance: Exploring the wisdom of shamanism and spirituality to help you understand and overcome the challenges you face, and to find balance in your life, divination will be included. 

  • Holistic Health: We'll look at your well-being from all angles—physical, mental, and spiritual. This might involve discussing nutrition, exercise, or mindfulness practices that keep you balanced and vibrant.

  • Purpose and Passion: We'll explore your true calling, helping you align your daily life with your deepest values and passions. This ensures that your life feels meaningful and aligned with your spiritual path.

What the session may include

Purpose Visioning


Sound Therapy

Grounding Practises

Nature Rituals

Holisitc Health

Guided Meditation

Shamanic Mentoring

Having guidance is a very personalised journey so we tailor the sessions solely around what you individually require.

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