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Step into a completely personalised day experience

Kyle invites you to a transformative day in the heart of West Dorset’s serene natural beauty. Choose from a variety of experiences designed to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you, guiding you towards inner peace and harmony. Each experience is crafted to help you reconnect with your true self, supported by the tranquil embrace of nature.

Different Experiences

Tibetan Singing Bowls in nature with ancient twisted trees. geometric vibrational lines co

Sound Healing

Immerse yourself to the healing vibrations of a Sonic Sound Ceremony, a transformative experience that harmonises your spirit.

light brown male hands massaging in ancient woodlands_edited_edited_edited_edited.jpg


Receive the calming frequencies of a sonic sound ceremony, enhanced by the serene embrace of nature


Foraging Walk

Embark on a mindful journey of foraging in nature, where you'll discover the earth's abundant gifts and reconnect with the rhythm of the wild. Learn to identify and harvest edible treasures, deepening your connection to the land and its nourishing offerings


Shamanic Journey

Undertake a shamanic journey to seek answers and clarity, as you delve into the unconscious to receive profound guidance and wisdom for your path..


Tea or Cacao Ceremony

Participate in a cacao ceremony, where the heart-opening essence of cacao guides you on a journey of connection, reflection and celebration.


Sacred Fire 

Embrace a sacred fire ceremony, a transformative ritual that purifies the spirit and renews the soul through the power of flame and intention

If you would like a specific ceremony or experience please get in contact with me and we can see how we may create the journey you are seeking. 

I am also available to be hired for events or retreats which are in alignment. Please get into contact if this is something you are interested in.

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