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What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanism has been a feature of human culture since the begining of time. The foundation of this is that, the Shaman views the universe as animistic, meaning that every part of it is alive, with every being and element holding its own energy or spirit. Understanding this, a shaman can communicate with all aspects of existence, from the spirit of an illness to the energy within nature. By traveling beyond the physical realm into spiritual realities, the shaman identifies and heals energetic imbalances at their source, aligning the person with their soul’s wisdom. This deep connection to spirit fosters true health, as when we are whole in spirit, we are whole in life. There are a variety of methods a shaman can employ to help aid his client. 

Different methods used in the healing

In our daily lives, we often absorb negative energies, or "spiritual intrusions," that can harm our well-being. These intrusions may come from emotionally charged situations or suppressed thoughts and emotions that turn inward, manifesting as inner "demons." Over time, unresolved memories and traumas can accumulate in our energetic bodies, attracting similar negative experiences—like attracts like in the spiritual realm.

Spirit extraction is a powerful process that goes deep into the root of these issues. By compassionately witnessing and releasing the emotional or energetic charge holding these intrusions, we can separate them from the negative beliefs that sustain them. This creates the space for true healing, allowing us to break free from destructive patterns and restore balance on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

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