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What is Tarot Divination?

Tarot is an ancient sacred tool that invites you to journey within. The Tarot Tradition uses rich, multi-faceted symbolism portrayed upon 78 cards to convey truths regarding aspects of our humanity and laws of the cosmos. The traditions roots are over 500 years old and most likely older as it is connected to the Kabala's Tree of Life. Originally appearing as a card game in 15th Century Italy, it wasn't until the 18th century that Tarot began to be used for divination, evolving into the tool for guidance and reflection that we know today. Each card in the Tarot deck is an archetypal mirror, reflecting the deeper truths of our soul and the energies surrounding our life. It’s not just about seeing the energies of the future, but rather uncovering the wisdom that already resides within us. Through Tarot, you can connect with your intuition, gain clarity on your path, and align with your higher awareness. It’s a gentle but powerful guide, offering insight and illumination as you navigate your life's journey.

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Experience the insight of a Tarot reading with Kyle Rose. With a calm and intuitive approach, Kyle helps you explore the deeper layers of your life’s journey. Whether you're seeking clarity or just a moment of reflection, Kyle’s readings offer gentle guidance to help you align with your true self. Step into this space of discovery and see what the cards reveal for you.

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